
MyHeart Counts App Dataset: The data from 50,000 individuals who participated in the MyHeart Counts Cardiovascular Health Study from March 10, 2015 to October 28, 2015 has been made available for research and is accompanied by a publication in Scientific Data. Measurements were collected using the iPhone app MyHeart Counts, developed by Euan Ashley’s group, and include records of daily physical activity, completed health questionnaires, and results of a 6-minute walk fitness test. Read more and access data

Activity Inequality Study: Smartphone data from over 68 million days of activity by 717,527 individuals across 111 countries reveal variability in physical activity across the world. We provide more details about the study, along with our code and anonymized, aggregated data. Learn more

Molecular Choreography of Acute Exercise Study: We performed longitudinal multi-omic profiling of plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells including metabolome, lipidome, immunome, proteome, and transcriptome from 36 well-characterized volunteers, before and after a controlled bout of symptom-limited exercise. We discovered biological pathways involved in cardiopulmonary exercise response and developed prediction models revealing potential resting blood-based biomarkers of peak oxygen consumption. Learn more and access data (relevant data indicated by SubStudy “Exercise”)

Assessment Tools

Analyzing Movement Via IMU: Our group is developing tools to analyze human movement biomechanics with inertial measurement units. Learn more and get the software

Activity Adequacy Mindset Survey: Our group has developed and validated the Activity Adequacy Mindset Scale (AAMS). Access the survey on page 25 of our publication’s supplementary materials.

Exercise Process Mindset Survey: Contact us for access

Illness Mindset Survey: Contact us for access