We have formed a highly collaborative team that engages students, staff, and faculty from 16 departments across Stanford to achieve our vision. Our team has expertise from faculty in:

  • Psychology  on how to motivate behavior change
  • Human-computer interaction on how to sustain engagement
  • English on how to use stories to make sense of one’s experiences
  • Data science on how to harness the wealth of data being generated by sensors to understand behavior change
  • Bioengineering on state-of-the-art biosensor design
  • Medicine on interventions and best practices for prescribing physical activity

Together, these diverse experts bring a unique perspective to this long-standing problem. We will grow our team over the course of the project and welcome others to participate. Click the links below to find out more about the people currently involved in the Catalyst Project – Motivating Mobility and Health on a Global Scale.



Postdoctoral Fellows

Graduate Students