Effects of Counseling by Peer Human Advisors vs Computers to Increase Walking in Underserved Populations: The COMPASS Randomized Clinical Trial. King, A. C., Campero, M. I., Sheats, J. L., Castro Sweet, C. M., Hauser, M. E., Garcia, D., Chazaro, A., Blanco, G., Banda, J., Ahn, D. K., Fernandez, J., Bickmore, T. Download PDF
Best practices for analyzing large-scale health data from wearables and smartphone apps. Hicks, J.L., Althoff, T., Sosic, R. et al., Nature Digital Medicine, 2:45. Download PDF
Can being healthy be fun and indulgent instead of boring and depriving? The role of mindsets in motivating healthy behaviors. Boles, D. Z., DeSousa, M., Turnwald, B. P., Horii, R. I., Duarte, T., Zahrt, O. H., Markus, H. R., Crum, A. J. (submitted)
The effect of digital physical activity interventions on daily step count: A randomised controlled crossover substudy of the MyHeart counts cardiovascular health study. Shcherbina, A., Hershman S. G., Lazzeroni, L., King, A. C., O’Sullivan, J.W., Hekler, E., et al., The Lancet Digital Health (2019), 1(7):e344-e352. Download PDF
Mindsets are related to reductions in pain after a gait modification intervention for people with osteoarthritis. Boswell, M. A., Zion, S. R., Uhlrich, S. D., Hicks, J. L., Crum, A. J., Delp, S. L. American Society of Biomechanics Congress. Download PDF | Watch video
Physical activity, sleep and cardiovascular health data for 50,000 individuals from the MyHeart counts study. Hershman, S. G., Bot, B. M., Shcherbina, A., Doerr, M., Moayedi, Y., et al., Scientific Data (2019). 6(1):24. Download PDF
Effects of physical activity recommendations on mindset, behavior and perceived health. Zahrt, O. H., Crum, A. J. Preventive Medicine Reports, 17:101027. Download PDF
Employing participatory citizen science methods to promote age-friendly environments worldwide. King, A.C., King, D.K., Banchoff, A., et al., On behalf of the Our Voice Global Citizen Science Research Network. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17:1541. Download PDF
Designing ambient narrative-based interfaces to reflect and motivate physical activity. Murnane, E.L., Jiang, X., Kong, A., Park, M., Shi, W., Soohoo, C., Vink, L., Xia, I., Xin, Y., Yang-Sammataro, J., Young, G., Zhi, J., Moya, P., Landay, J.A. CHI ’20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 1-14. Download PDF
Goal-setting and achievement in activity tracking apps: A case study of MyFitnessPal. Gordon, M., Althoff, T., Leskovec, J. ACM International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), 571–582. Download PDF (Preprint)
Learning one’s genetic risk changes physiology independent of actual genetic risk. Nature Human Behaviour. Turnwald, B.P., Goyer, J.P., Boles, D.Z., Silder, A., Delp, S.L., & Crum, A.J. Nature Human Behavior, 3:48-56. Download PDF
The Positive Impact of Push vs Pull Progress Feedback. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. Cauchard, J. R., Frey, J., Zahrt, O. H., Crum, A. J., & Landay, J. A. 3(3), 1–23. Download PDF
Perceived Physical Activity and Mortality: Evidence from Three Nationally Representative U.S. Samples. Health Psychology. Zahrt, O. H. & Crum, A. J. Download PDF