Our article “Effects of Physical Activity Recommendations on Mindset, Behavior and Perceived Health” in the Journal of Preventive Medicine Reports has just been published. In the article, Octavia H.Zahrt and Alia J.Crum sought to understand if physical activity recommendations –an integral component of many interventions aiming to promote physical activity – may have unexpected effects on individuals’ mindsets (in this case about the adequacy and health consequences of their physical activity) that can strengthen or weaken recommendation effectiveness.
WhoIsZuki Platform Wins Best Paper Award at CHI 2020
Congratulations to Elizabeth L. Murnane, one of our Catalyst project’s post-doctoral scholars, and our two faculty members, Paula Moya and James A. Landay, for winning the best paper award at the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) Read more…